Friday, August 8, 2008

EpiPen Trainer...

Did you know you can purchase a "practice EpiPen" also called an Epi-Pen Trainer?

It's an EpiPen without a needle or epinephrine. The pen can be used to train someone on the proper use of an EpiPen. It's also a safe way to feel more comfortable with the "real thing" in case you should ever need to use one.

Here are some websites that either sell EpiPen Trainers or have additional information about EpiPen Trainers...

● World Point Click Here
(I ordered an EpiPen Trainer from the above company - they ship the same day and the pen arrived at my door within 3 days of purchase)

●, of course, has all kinds of information Click Here

● Sigma Pharmaceutical Click Here

● Click Here

● You can also find several videos on YouTube demonstrating the use of an EpiPen - just search EpiPen demos or EpiPen Trainer.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Consent To Treat Form

A "Consent to Treat" form is a document filled out and signed by a parent or legal guardian that gives medical personnel the right to treat your child in the event of an emergency if you are not present. Consent to treat forms can be given to anyone who is placed in charge of your child's care.

Consent to Treat forms usually contain the following information:

Child's name.
Child's date of birth.
Insurance carrier and policy number.
Doctors' names and phone numbers.
Important medical history, including allergies and chronic conditions.
A statement such as: Any licensed physician, dentist or hospital may give necessary emergency medical service to my child (YOUR CHILD'S NAME) at the request of the person bearing this consent form.
Parent/Legal Guardian's signature.

You can find additional information on Consent to Treat forms and/or printer-friendly Consent to Treat forms on the following websites:

● St. Vincent Health website
● Family Fun website
● Footwork Publications website
● Children's Hospital of St. Louis website

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to my new blog, I'm Kristine. I own and operated from Imagine That Art Studio. I work from my little corner of the world in Southeastern Michigan where I live with my husband, son and a spoiled beagle name Star.

A graphic designer by trade I once worked in the advertising industry. In the summer of 2007 I began designing and selling personalized laminated bag tags in my shop at One of my best selling tags was a personalized peanut allergy tag. Recognizing the large number of children with food allergies and other serious medical conditions, I decided to create an entire line of alert tags just for kids - thus began.

I'll be updating Allergy Alert Tags Blog on a regular basis, hopefully filling it with useful information for parents of kids with food allergies and other serious medical conditions. Thank so much for stopping by and please check back often!